MEA June 2017

MEAMARKETS / JUNE 2017 7 NEWS , Rotork fluid power valve actuators have been ordered for multiple applications at a new grassroots refinery under construction in the Middle East. With a capacity of up to 400,000 barrels a day, the refinery will pro- cess crude oils to manufacture petrol, ultra-low-sulphur diesel and fuel oil for export and to sat- isfy local demand. One significant order involves the supply of 70 LP range linear pneumatic actuators for the op- eration of large gate valves. The order for these actuators includes the assembly and factory testing of local control panels with digital valve positioners. Rotork LP actuators are individ- ually sized for each application in double-acting or spring-return configurations. Carbon steel cylin- ders are electro-less nickel plated to provide minimum friction and maximum protection against cor- rosion. Careful attention to seal materials on pistons and piston rods further reduces friction and avoids stick-slip effect even after prolonged periods without opera- tion. In other areas of the site, over 200 Rotork GP and CP range pneumatic actuators are being supplied for the operation of but- terfly valves in desalination and wastewater treatment plants. These scotch yoke actuators are designed to provide part-turn movement for isolating or modu- lating duties. A rugged, compact and efficient modular design is common to both ranges, yielding high torques even at low pres- sures. The design concepts of the large GP actuators are applied to the CP range, bringing heavy-duty actuator qualities to small, quar- ter-turn actuators. These orders also include the as- sembly and testing of local con- trol panels, in this case including Bifold pneumatic instrumentation and Soldo switchboxes, both Ro- tork brands. Multiple Orders for Rotork Actuators at Grassroots Middle East Refinery Rafael will start their implementation of aPriori at their de- sign and engineering center in Haifa, and will be growing their deployment across their enterprise over the course of the multi-year program. Rafael is one of Israel’s largest defense companies, with 2016 sales of $2,166 million, an order backlog of $5,651 million and a net profit of $123 million. They de- velop and manufacture advanced defense systems for the Israeli Defense Forces and the defense establishment, as well as for for- eign customers around the world. Rafael offers its customers a di- versified array of innovative solu- tions at the leading edge of global technology, from underwater sys- tems through naval, ground, and air superiority systems to space systems. “Rafael has several key objec- tives they wish to accomplish through this strategic partnership with aPriori,” said Ofer Abraham, Project Manager in R&D and En- gineering Division. “Our aim is to reduce cost driven changes late in the design cycle by identifying cost-drivers in the early concept and preliminary detailed design stages. We also work with a large network of suppliers, and we will aPriori, the leading provider of automated product cost management (PCM) software solutions, has been selected by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, a leading worldwide manufacturer and provider of military defense products and related services. be using aPriori to generate cost estimates with detailed manufac- turing data that allows us to ne- gotiate more cost-effective agree- ments with these suppliers.” aPriori’s product cost manage- ment platform will provide Ra- fael’s design and sourcing teams with real-time cost estimates on parts and products in design. The software leverages CAD and intelligent cost models to quickly determine feasible manufacturing methods and product costs while generating detailed manufactur- ing analysis and cost estimates that quantify the impact of chang- es to product design, materials, manufacturing processes, vol- umes and location in real time. aPriori will also provide the Rafael procurement and sourcing teams with regional cost benchmarks based on the company’s specific product requirements, enabling it to collaborate more effectively with its suppliers. “aPriori product cost manage- ment software takes the guess work out of what a new product design will cost when it gets into production, or what a sourced part should cost from a supplier in a particular region,” said Steph- anie Feraday, President and CEO of aPriori. “What our customers say most often is that our ability to generate an accurate, detailed cost estimate in real-time not only helps them identify and mitigate cost drivers early in the process, but it helps them accelerate time to market by eliminating the laten- cy they historically see with their manual cost estimating systems.” To learn more about aPri- ori and its product cost management solutions and services, visit www. Rotork fluid power valve actuators have been ordered for multiple applications at a new grassroots refinery under construction in the Middle East.