Business Awards 2020

MEAMARKETS / 2020MEA Business Awards 15 freedom to do what they love to the fullest. Working with passion and enthusiasm, the team can achieve remarkable results for their clients. Many come from a background in the technical industries, longing for the ability to stretch their wings and do something genuinely innovative. When looking for staff, the challenge is to find people who can match the current team’s skills and determination. Operating at the level of The Media Crowd’s brightest and best while also enjoying the work to the fullest is no easy feat. The staff at The Media Crowd are motivated and inspire the best in everyone else in the team. The organization is not bound by hours or location. For this team, the idea of forcing people to work at a desk between specific hours is counterintuitive. Creating an environment that inspires loyalty is key to the results that the firm celebrates. Company: The Media Crowd Contact: Darren Biddlecombe Web Address: Email: [email protected]