Business Awards 2020

34 MEA MARKETS / 2020MEA Business Awards , Most Innovative Business Neuro Linguistic Programming Service – Africa NLP Limited Innovation is a term that can be bandied around a lot, without it really being applicable to certain firms or businesses. However, when one comes along that revitalizes and revolutionizes an industry, it is impossible to ignore the innovation. NLP Limited is one such firm, offering innovative services that open up a world of potential. The firmboasts a fantastic MARK framework and has become the world’s leading neuro linguistic programming and corporate training company. We find out more. Specializing in business transformation, leadership development, sales training, customer service, and experience workshops, the work of NLP Limited is clearly focused on one core thing: making business better. For those in Africa who are ready to take their business and personal realities to the next level, NLP Limited is the perfect partner. The firm has become one of the best learning and development organizations, not just in Africa, but in the world. This is largely thanks to the firm’s ability to develop and lead programs that get desired results and meet business objectives, whether they be sales-focused, leadership-focused, or customer service related. Everyone who works with NLP Limited is given the opportunity to develop mind, language, and behaviour skills that breed success and excellence at every turn. The programs are focused on helping generate insights and expertise that can be used in every facet of business, and each program from NLP Limited bestows three core services upon those who take part. Firstly, the participants are invited to learn elite neuro-linguistic programming methods, tools, and techniques in a practical manner. Rather than simply learn the theory behind these innovative techniques, NLP Limited ensures that its participants have the chance to use these techniques in practice. In doing so, they achieve the second point of service; practicing excellence along with the world’s most talented coaches and leaders. Learning from the best is the most sure fire way of becoming the best. Which leads perfectly into the final element; enabling and empowering clients to become the best version of themselves having learned the neuroscience principles from master trainers. One of the core teaching methods and tools is that of the now world-famous MARK Model. A framework model that focuses on Mindset, Action, Repetition, and Knowledge, the MARK Model helps clients and learners take the next step in developing their own potential. Each step is carefully thought- through, and is the brainchild of Rajiv Sharma. Billed as offering neuro linguistic programming for both effectiveness and success, Mr Sharma’s book ‘Make A Mark In Life’ unearths the secrets behind the MARK Model. To boil it down to its most basic, core elements, the MARK Model framework encourages participants to evolve their Mindset, take the required Actions, develop powerful habits through Repetition, and innovate new Knowledge for themselves. These four basic steps may seem simple, but there is a great deal of complexity Dec20223 to what they can do for any potential client, and the work of NLP Limited in highlighting this potential is nothing short of exceptional. With NLP Limited offering outstanding methodology and tools, anybody can sign up to learn to decode and reproduce excellence in their own lives and for their own businesses. For those who want to achieve what they want in life, at work, in business, and in relationships, NLP Limited is the perfect partner to take on that endeavour. Thanks to the work of Mr Sharma in creating the MARK Model framework, every subconscious can be impacted in order to achieve the desired results. NLP Limited’s work truly is innovative, and it is thoroughly deserving of its place in the MEA Business Awards 2020. Company: NLP Limited Contact: Rajiv Sharma Website: |