MEA July 2017

76 MEA MARKETS / July 2017 , My Business Consulting DMCC provides corporate support for start new business in the UAE. We interviewed Kamelia Allow, to celebrate the firm’s success in achieving theMost Innovative Business Advisory Firm2017 accolade. Extraordinary Experts in Corporate Services My Business Consulting DMCC’s Kamelia Allow is keen to begin this interview by offering her upbeat thoughts on the Most Innovative Business Advisory Firm 2017 accolade and following on from that, the secrets behind the firm’s success. “To be given the Most Innovative Business Advisory Firm 2017 accolade, we are pleased that our very hard work was acknowledged. As a firm, we have invested lots of funds, time and effort into innovation, so we are delighted to be recognised. It feels very well deserved from our perspective. “I believe the reasons behind your success come down to the fact that we are both hard and smart, and very dedicated in our work. I am lucky to be surrounded with extraordinary experts in corporate services, top professionals in accounting and finance all of whom have a perfect understanding of local banking and the immigration process. “Our team is always eager to learn and develop new skills, by attending frequent training programmes, which enables us to stay one step ahead of the competition due to the vast knowledge of our expert staff. Also, we simply love what we do, we enjoy assisting foreign investors in the UAE and witnessing them developing successful multi dollar businesses in the UAE, that is our award!” By way of an introduction to My Business Consulting DMCC, they provide corporate support for new start-up businesses in the UAE. Kamelia also underlines what makes the firm unique, including how they distinguish themselves from their competitors as well as their approach to client service. “We assist the foreign investors to choose best location of registration their UAE venture, making sure all corporate documents are in perfect order. Aside from the business set up we provide full range of accounting & bookkeeping services, bank account management, Emirates Resident visa support and other administration corporate support. Complete details of our company services are available here. “What makes the firm unique is that, firstly, we are transparent in that all our prices are published online. Secondly, we are both innovative and proactive, in that we developed our own project management and finance system. Thirdly, our staff are very educated, because they take part in training and seminars for example. “In terms of how we distinguish ourselves from competitors, I would say that we care for our clients. Being professionals in accounting and finance, we always see the bigger picture. For us, we are looking for long-term relationships with our clients. Many clients arrive to the UAE with the wrong idea. We don’t do corporate services for the money, we do because we have more than 18 years’ experience which includes an excellent understanding of local requirements. I think that the personal care we put in every project makes us unique as an agent. “We ensure that all received queries from new clients are answered within 24 hours. During and after service, we conduct regular surveys and reviews to ensure that all the clients concerns are taken care of.” My Business Consulting DMCC are very thankful to the UAE UA170015 government for enabling them to live in an amazing country, with over 200 nationalities, in peace. Kamelia feels 100% secure in the UAE, from the perspective of investor, woman and a mother. She adds that UAE is tax free country, so the opportunities for doing business there and earning full profits are limitless. The key advantages to being based in UAE can be summarised as follows: • Safety for investment; • Safety for life; • A very luxurious and comfortable life; • No tax to pay; • Beautiful and large houses, parks, communities; • Most of the biggest schools and hospitals are present here; • Easy and accessible online banking; • Plenty of professionals available, speaking in several languages and; • Very convenient flights and connections to all part of the world. Kamelia then draws our attention to the core areas of growth for My Business Consulting DMCC as well as their company culture and what they look for when employing new members of staff.